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3D physiological movement

Care through Elispheric® movement: from functional rehabilitation to health and performance sports!

The origin

imoove® reflects the meeting between the inventor Gianfranco TUDICO and professionals of human biomechanics Chantal and Alain BARDON, physiotherapists and osteopaths.

With the common aim of taking care and optimizing the global osteo-muscular system function, they developed imoove technology together with its method: the Elispheric® movement’s care.

Gianfranco TUDICO

3D Elispheric movement


imoove® is a physiological simulator of organic motion. Elispheric® movement is unique worldwide. A specific motion with an eccentric spiral rotation producing a curved movement in 3 dimensions.

plateau - materiel kine
plateau - equipement kine
plateau - plateforme motorisee kine

Physiologic, rich and multiple motion

Born from the observation of the original spine motion, imoove simulates and stimulates the natural movement of the spine, the joints and the spiral muscles chains.

imoove platform slopes up a semi-sphere with an eccentric and lateral motion. According to the position on the platform, the Elispheric movements are different.

imoove movement trains the body in a tri-dimensional dynamic, placing it in its organic spiral.

plateforme motorisee kine - osteo

Balance physiology

A transformation of balance implies constant adaptations of the posture. In response to this situation of disbalance controlled induced by the instability in 3D, imoove acts on the fundamental of the skeleton: posture.

This multi-sensory stimulation appeals to proprioception to control balance and thus it results in a general neuro-motor recruitment. imoove Elispheric instability pushed from the supports, spreads to the deep muscles of the back.

They coordinate and tone in dynamics the whole muscle chains by a synchronous action with the joints.

The evolution of physical mobilization platforms

imoove-Evolution des plateformes motorisees

As in every profession, in the functional rehabilitation field, as well as in sports and physical performance, human beings have searched throughout history to implement more efficient techniques of care so that to rehabilitate, correct and put back the human body in situation of autonomy and fullness of its functional capabilities.

Multi-skilled platforms with multiple applications

I am

  • Physiotherapist
  • Osteopath
  • Physical Trainer
  • A company
  • Surgeon
  • Sports doctor
  • A hospital
  • Posturologist
  • A spa treatment
  • Sports coach
  • A rehabilitation center
  • Sports coach
  • A Retirement Home
  • A Clinic
  • A Thalassotherapy
  • Center Doctor

And you, how did you do before for rehabilitation?

Discover our global, simple and effective solutions with protocols adapted according to pathologies: traumatology, orthopedics, rheumatology, neurology, urogynecology, geriatrics…

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And you, how did you do before for physical activity?

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